Monday, November 13, 2006

Error Message Shown when trying to view server properties in SQL 2000 Server Enterprise Manager

Problem: Error Message Shown when trying to view server properties in SQL 2000 Server Enterprise Manager

Error: When we are trying to view the server properties in Enterprise Manager, then we get an error message - Cannot load the DLL xplog70.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.)

My Guess: Should be the problem with the corrupted xplog70.dll

Solution: Please re-install/copy the file using the installation CD.
Path: Installation Directory\MSSQL\Binn\

Lets Rock

Friday, September 01, 2006

Open Source (Linux) Based Integrated Firewalls for Small/Home Business Networks

The following are Operating System Integrated easy2install and easy2use Linux based software Gateway/Proxy/firewalls.

1. ENDIAN Firewall 2

- Good Performance but takes time to load the operating system.
- Good look N feel in web administration but takes sometime to reload the service after
modifications related to services.
- No further Add-ons are available.
- Further Information -

2. IPCop Firewall

- Good Performance and takes no time to load the operating system.
- web administration is available.
- You can integrate plenty of Add-ons.
- Further Information -

3. Smoothwall Firewall

- Work in Progress ( Having no time to work on it ) - Get back 2 U soon

Thanks to the developers and sourceforge

Lets Rock

Friday, March 24, 2006

Disabling Directory Browsing / File listing in Jboss

By default directory browsing /file listing is in 'enable' state in Jboss configuration.

Problem: If at all the directory browsing is enable, the user who is browsing your website can see the files list in the subfolders and able to access the files which ever he can see in the page.

To disable Directory browsing / file listing go through the modifications mentioned below

Files to Modify: web.xml
Location of File: Locate it in ..../deploy/jbossweb-tomcatXXX.sar/conf/
(*Note - Tomcat version may change depeding on the version of Jboss)

Before -

After -

Lets Rock

Friday, March 03, 2006

Cisco ATA 186 How To

  1. Cisco ATA 186 Adapter with power connector
  2. Analog telephone with a telephone cable (RJ-11)
  3. Ethernet - Local Area Network connection (RJ-45)

Getting Ready:

  1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the ATA.
  2. Connect the telephone cable to the phone line 1 port in the ATA, which is connected to Analog telephone at the other end.
  3. Plug-in the power cable and switch-on the power.

Using IVR of ATA:

  1. Lift the telephone hand set.
  2. Then, press the function key of the ATA (which is glowing)
  3. Now, you can hear a voice in the telephone. That is nothing but the configuration mode. (IVR)
  4. Follow and provide required response codes to modify/review different configurations.
  5. Press ‘#’ button, when IVR asks on the telephone to exit from the menus/submenus.


  1. Press the response code followed by ‘#’. See Example-1.
  2. Then the IVR once reviews the entry and asks for confirmation. See Example-2.
  3. After configuring press ‘#’ to quit the menu.

Tips & Tricks:

  1. When entering IP addresses and subnet mask for ATA use ‘*’ to enter ‘.’(dot). See Example-3.
  2. If you stuck anywhere in the middle of the configuration, just quit by pressing ‘#’ and hang-up the phone and start from the beginning.
  3. For more information for response codes, refer “cisco_ata_186_voice_menu.doc” document.


  1. Response codes - IP address change (1#), Subnet mask change (10#), Network route change (2#)
  2. Confirmation codes – Modify(1), Review(2), Save(3), Review and Save(4) and to exit(#)
  3. IP Address - 192*168*1*100, Subnet mask – 255*255*255*0
Lets Rock

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Apache Error: No installed service named "Apache2"

This is a common error with Apache 2 in Microsoft Windows Operating System.

The system cannot find the file specified. : No installed service named "Apache2"

Some times Win32 Apache installation fails to create "Apache2" as a service. So, we have to manually do the task.

Do the following from the command prompt.
1. Go to the command prompt.
2. Navigate to the "bin"
folder in the Apache2 installation directory and run the below command.
3. apache -k install -n "Apache2"

Now start the Apache service.

Lets Rock