Friday, February 24, 2006

Mail server Integration in Open Source with Postfix, Squirrel Mail, cyrus-admin, Amavisd and Spam Assasin

Posting Soon

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Apache Error: No installed service named "Apache2"

This is a common error with Apache 2 in Microsoft Windows Operating System.

The system cannot find the file specified. : No installed service named "Apache2"

Some times Win32 Apache installation fails to create "Apache2" as a service. So, we have to manually do the task.

Do the following from the command prompt.
1. Go to the command prompt.
2. Navigate to the "bin"
folder in the Apache2 installation directory and run the below command.
3. apache -k install -n "Apache2"

Now start the Apache service.

Lets Rock